In Sweden, a nationwide study was conducted to individuals aged 6 through 64 years who are incidently diagnosed with ADHD from 2007 through 2018 and took no ADHD medication prior to diagnosis. The follow-up period began when a person was diagnosed with ADHD and lasted until one of these things happened: the person died, moved to another country, had been diagnosed with ADHD for 2 years, or until December 31, 2020, whichever happened first.
They assessed all-cause mortality within 2 years of ADHD diagnosis, as well as natural-cause (eg, physical conditions) and unnatural-cause mortality (eg, unintentional injuries, suicide, and accidental poisonings).
The result states: among individuals diagnosed with ADHD, medication initiation was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality, particularly for death due to unnatural causes.
Resource: National Library of Medicine